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Education & Curriculum

Queensland families will receive funded Kindy from 2024

December 5, 2023
hero--Queensland families will receive funded Kindy from 2024

There’s never been a better time to consider embarking on a Kindergarten learning journey with Green Leaves. We recently welcomed the wonderful news of funded Kindy as part of the Queensland Government’s initiative to “give every little Queenslander the best start in life”.

This announcement means that families can now access 15 hours of government-funded Kindy for children who are turning four by 30 June 2024. This provides children with a strong start to their learning journey before commencing formal schooling.

Kindy is an integral part of early learning, and it forms the foundations for a positive transition to school. At Green Leaves, we believe that the transition to school is a significant milestone for children and their families.

What to expect at a Green Leaves Kindy program?

  • Led by a qualified Early Childhood Teacher (ECT)
  • Aligned to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline (QKLG)
  • Developed around our Positive School Transition program
  • Thoughtfully curated extra-curricular activities and incursions which are all-inclusive 

Research shows that play-based learning supports a child’s development, with 90 per cent of a child’s brain developing by the time they turn five. At Green Leaves, our Kindy children are guided by experienced teachers through inquiry play-based learning, and integrated STEAM, literacy and numeracy programs.

Our Kindy programs draw on the most current approaches and practices in early education with curriculum designs based on self-directed, play-based learning experiences. We keep our daily activities interesting and age-appropriate to help the children develop critical skills that will equip them to enter the wider world with confidence, curiosity, and an enduring desire to learn.

Learn more about Queensland Government’s 15 hours of Free Kindy initiative here.

To assist families with estimating their fee, taking into consideration their childcare subsidy entitlement and Free Kindy funding, click here to utilise the ACA Kindy Calculator.

To follow a day in the life of a child at Green Leaves, take a look at our daily routine of fun play-based learning here.

We’re currently taking enrolments for 2024. Pop in for a coffee and tour to learn about our Kindy program. Click here to find your nearest Green Leaves in Queensland.