Recipe: Vegemite Scrolls
A timeless snack, the Vegemite scroll is quintessentially Australian and perfect for sharing, school lunchboxes and just because. Its familiar spiral and cheesy goodness interlaced with Vegemite, appeal to fans of Australia’s favourite food spread.
You can start your scrolls from scratch by making your own dough. But if you’re pressed for time, you can use frozen puff pastry sheets as a base and skip through to step number 6.
3 cups of plain flour
2 eggs
200g unsalted butter, chopped and softened
2 teaspoons of dried yeast (7g, 1 sachet)
2 teaspoons caster sugar
1 teaspoon salt
¾ cups of milk, slightly warmed
The filling:
¼ cup Vegemite
2 cups grated vintage cheddar
- In a large bowl, combine the warm milk, yeast and sugar. Set aside for 5 to 8 minutes or until frothy. This will activate the yeast.
- Use a dough hook attachment with your electric mixer, place flour and salt in the mixer bowl, make a well in the centre of the flour. Add the yeast mixture followed by the eggs and mix to combine. Knead on medium speed for 2 to 3 minutes until the dough forms or until smooth.
- Transfer dough to a greased bowl, cover with a damp tea towel (to prevent it from drying out) and set aside for 1.5 hours, or until it doubles in size.
- When the dough is ready, preheat your oven to 170 degrees, grease a 20cm x 30cm baking dish and line with baking paper.
- With the dough still in the bowl, knock it back to release any air pockets before turning it out onto a well-floured surface. Roll out the dough about 30cm x 40cm, 2cm thick.
- Almost there! Spread Vegemite over the dough followed by sprinkling cheese all over it. Then roll the dough from the long edge to form a log. If you’re using frozen puff pastry, do not roll up your log too tightly. The pastry needs room to expand.
- Using a serrated knife, cut into 12 equal pieces and place each scroll spiral-side up on the baking dish. If you’re using frozen puff pastry, ensure you pinch the end of each scroll onto the pastry underneath it so that the scrolls don’t unfurl when baking.
- Nearly there! Cover the uncooked scrolls for a further 20 minutes to allow them to prove until slightly risen. If you’re using frozen puff pastry, skip this part and go straight to baking for 20 minutes.
- As a finishing touch, sprinkle any remaining cheese before baking your scrolls for 30 minutes or until perfectly puffed and golden.
Centre: Recipe courtesy of Green Leaves Early Learning Ashgrove