Victoria Park Football Club – Ballarat’s Best Kept Sporting Treasure

As we approach winter, we’re so excited to welcome the soccer season again. Green Leaves is a big supporter of community sporting clubs that promote junior sports.

This season, we’re thrilled to announce our sponsorship of the Junior Teams at Victoria Park Football Club! Local to Green Leaves Wendouree, we look forward to supporting the teams in their training and hosting some skills sessions in centre.

Victoria Park FC was founded because of the perfect pairing of two local soccer clubs in 1984 – the Redan Kosciuszko Club and the Golden Point Soccer Club. The Redan Kosciuszko Club only consisted of senior players, while the Golden Point Soccer Club was originally a junior club run through a school of the same name.

Formed in 1984, Victoria Park FC is committed to developing its players. The Club’s aim is recognised as a vibrant, respected, engaging, and successful community-focused soccer club that delivers high-quality experiences to all members and their families.

With the recent upgrade of local sporting facilities in the City of Ballarat, the Club plays at the three new soccer pitches at the Victoria Park community sports pavilion, which complements the increasing participation in activities and sports.

The Club will be celebrating its rich history at its upcoming 40th anniversary ball on the 25th of May 2024.


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