Teaming Up with Nunawading Cricket Club
Green Leaves Early Learning is excited to be a proud sponsor of The Nunawading Cricket Club. The Club’s pride and joy is their Junior Program, with over 150 children of all ages and abilities, with some of their players starting as young as three years old. Cricket is a great sport to help early learners develop hand-eye coordination and motor skills.
Nunawading Cricket Club was formed in 1927 and has won many premierships across all grades. The club is proud of its inclusiveness, professionalism, community service, and fun for children. Whether you’re a new player who’s never played before or the best player, the Club’s main principle is that everyone is equal. All players get an opportunity to participate, have fun, improve, and experience success.
The Club understands the importance of being role models to children and aspiring players, hence offering a nurturing and friendly environment for children to participate in a sport that’s fun, whether you’re playing a competitive match on the pitch, or a wholesome game in your family’s backyard.
Nunawading Cricket Club’s home ground is local to Green Leaves Early Learning Forest Hill. In the coming months, the Club will be hosting skills sessions at centre.